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Biophysical Characteristics

A review of the oceanography and fisheries resources in the coastal waters of Ghana, 1981-1986

Posted on: 18 Apr, 2017 9:37 am

It reviews the oceanography and levels of fish stock resources in Ghanaian coastal waters. This is used to assess the impact of the economic situation (in Ghana) on marine resources and to evaluate exploitation levels. It discusses environmental data and fish catches, and identifies lapses in the knowledge of stocks and trends of future research.

Name of Author(s):
Mensah, M.A. Koranteng, K.A.
Institutional Affiliation:

Ministry of Agriculture, Tema (Ghana). Fisheries Department. Research and Utilization Branch

Type of Publication:
Research Notes
Name of Publisher or Journal:
Fisheries Research Report No. 8, Fishery Research Unit
Date of Publication:
Number of Pages: