The ecological effects of beach sand mining in Ghana using ghost crabs (Ocypode species) as biological indicators
Rapid assessment of anthropogenic impacts on exposed sandy beaches in Ghana using ghost crabs (Ocypode spp.) as ecological indicators
Determining The Origin And Ecology of A Macroalgae (Ulva clathrata) Bloom Along The Coast Of Western Ghana And Cote d’Ivoire
Shoreline change analysis using end point rate and net shoreline movement statistics: An application to Elmina, Cape Coast and Moree section of Ghana’s coast
Human use and modification of beaches and dunes are linked to ghost crab (Ocypode spp) population decline in Ghana
Diagnostic study of the Volta Basin fisheries Part 1 – overview of the Volta Basin fisheries resources
Environmental variability in the Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem: Physical features, forcing and fisheries
Hydro-biology and fish production of the Black Volta near the Bui dam during the pre- and post-impoundment periods
Impact of climate change on long-term zooplankton biomass in the upwelling region of the Gulf of Guinea
Statistical evaluation of environmental contamination, distribution and source assessment of heavy metals (aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury) in some lagoons and an estuary along the coastal belt of Ghana