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Diagnostic study of the Volta Basin fisheries Part 1 – overview of the Volta Basin fisheries resources

Posted on: 12 Apr, 2017 12:08 pm

The Basin Focal Project for the Volta (BFP-Volta) is a research project funded by the Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF). Its aim is to provide an in-depth analysis of the basin through three main thematic issues: water-poverty, water availability/use and water productivity. The overall objective of the BFP-Volta is to contribute to the main goal of the CPWF, that is, to alleviate poverty through better management of water in order to enhance agricultural productivity and environment conservation


Diagnostic study of the Volta Basin fisheries Part 1 – overview of the Volta Basin fisheries resources
Size: 933kB
Name of Author(s):
Béné C
Institutional Affiliation:
WorldFish Center, Regional Office for Africa and West Asia, Cairo
Type of Publication:
Technical Paper
Name of Publisher or Journal:
WorldFish Center Regional Offices for Africa and West Asia
Date of Publication:
Number of Pages: