Biodiversity Threats Assessment of the Western Region of Ghana
This report on the Biodiversity Threats Assessment of the Western Region of Ghana contains information obtained from public institutions, individuals, NGOs and published and unpublished literature. The situation in the Region is juxtaposed against the national condition to elucidate the peculiarities in its biodiversity assets. The coastal zone of Ghana includes all land areas up to the 30 meter contour and the marine waters up to the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. The coastline stretches 550 km. The Western Region has an area of 21, 391 km2 (about 10 percent of the total land area of Ghana) with a 202 km long coastline. It comprises six coastal Districts- Jomoro, Ellembelle, Nzema East, Ahanta West, Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, and Shama. Terrestrial vegetation types in the coastal zone of the Region include Sand Dunes with extensive coconut plantations, Wet Evergreen Forest, Moist Evergreen Forest, Moist Semi-Deciduous Forest, Grasslands and Evergreen shrubs occurring further inland. The Region has many wetland systems some of which are freshwater habitats unlike the eastern coast of the country where the lagoons are typically brackish. Lagoons of importance in the Region are Tano/Aby/Ehy Lagoon at the coastal border between Ghana and Ivory Coast, and Amanzule Lagoon. While five wetlands in the country are designated as Ramsar Sites none is located in the Western Region.