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Coastal Oceans

The Anlo-Ewe and Full-Time Maritime Fishing- Another View

Posted on: 22 Mar, 2017 3:28 pm

In an article on the Anlo-Ewe and Xwla of West Africa which appeared in MAST Vol. 1(2), 1988, Paul Jorion puts forward what he calls universal sociological law. In effect the law states that full-time maritime fishing is so dangerous and economically risky that only people who are forced by socio-economic factors engage in it and they do so under duress. Among the Anlo such a determining factor is land shortage. Our view is that among the Anlo the law does not apply because those who take to full-time maritime fishing do so not under duress but because of the lucrative monetary returns and their love for the profession. While we do not deny the risks and dangers involved in the profession, we feel that these are more than compensated for by the monetary returns. There are, moreover, many alternatives to fishing in the area such as shallot farming, salt-making and kente weaving, among others.


The Anlo-Ewe and Full-Time Maritime Fishing- Another View
Name of Author(s):
G.K. Nukunya
Institutional Affiliation:
University of Ghana, Legon
Type of Publication:
Journal Article
Name of Publisher or Journal:
Date of Publication:
Number of Pages: