Potential For Culture Of Grey Mullets (Pisces: Mugilidae) In Ghana
The potential for culture of grey mullets in Ghana was investigated in fresh and brackish water ponds. Growth performance of fish that were given supplementary feed was better than those cultured without supplementary feeding. However, the difference in growth was not significant. The difference between the growth of fish raised in fresh water and that of those raised in brackish water ponds was also not significant. Feed conversion ratio of 6.0 was recorded in fresh and brackish water ponds while survival rates ranged from 43.4 to 68.8 per cent in the various ponds. Within a 270-day culture period, fish production of 336.5 and 287.0 kg ha‾¹ were recorded in ponds with and without feed, respectively. The mean final weight of Mugil curema (Valenciennes) was
the highest among the species cultured. The results for this study compared favourably with other published works and indicated a good potential for the culture of grey mullets in Ghana.