The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences of UCC Publishes a Training Manual on Tilapia Culture

The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS) of UCC has, in a collaborative effort through Public-Private Partnership agreement with Ainoo-Ansah Farms Ltd. and with support from the World Bank and Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) through the Skills Development Fund (SDF) of Ghana’s Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CoTVET), has produced a comprehensive manual to help farmers insure cost-effective fish farming and exploit the varied opportunities along the tilapia value chain in the country.
The manual comprises of 9 different Units on the aquaculture techniques and business management strategies for ensuring a successful fish farming operation. In addition, the manual provides an overview of the fish farming industry in Ghana, discusses important statistics on aquaculture production trends in the country, treats how to harvest and process fish for sale and highlights the key entrepreneurship and investment appraisal techniques for optimizing the operation of a fish farm. The development of the manual supports Ghana’s aquaculture development plan (published in 2013) and other initiatives including the TIlapia VOlta (TIVO) Project to promote and develop aquaculture in the country.
Copies of the manual can be obtained through the DFAS general office via or the telephone number +233 33 209 6806