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Fisheries Management

Dialogue Supporting the Directive Actions of the National Fisheries Management Plan 2015-2019

Posted on: 1 Nov, 2017 10:52 am

The Council will increase awareness and positive engagement of fishermen through Fishermen to Fishermen (F2 F) consultation process and an education campaign to rebuild depleted fish stocks and recoup lost yield and revenues. The Council will encourage mass participation by its members in the implementation of the fisheries management plan. This will change fishermen’s attitude and behavior with regards to fishing practices and allows a sense of ownership so that fishermen stop regarding fisheries regulations as some alien restraint imposed on them by government.

Read full report http://www.crc.uri.edu/download/GH2014_POL076_CRC_FIN508.pdf

Name of Author(s):
Lazar, N.
Institutional Affiliation:

Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island

Type of Publication:
Technical Report
Name of Publisher or Journal:
Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Date of Publication:
Number of Pages: