Stock assessment of the big-eye grunt (Brachydeuterus auritus, Val.) fishery in Ghanaian coastal waters
Annual fishery catch statistics and length data series for Brachydeuterus auritus (Val.) in coastal waters of Ghana for the periods 1874 – 1997 were used to model the growth, mortality rates, indices of abundance and exploitation patterns. Mean population parameters were Loo = 23.1 cm (fork length), Lm – 13.7 cm, K = 0.73 yr-1, Z = 2.67 yr-1, M = 1.24 yr-1 and F = 1.43 yr-1. Yield per recruit analysis showed that excessive fishing effort was being exerted on stocks and a very low length at first capture was observed. Corrective measures are recommended with emphasis on co-operation between fishermen and the government in the decision-making process.
Stock assessment of the big-eye grunt (Brachydeuterus auritus, Val.) fishery in Ghanaian coastal waters
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