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Baseline Study on Women in Leadership Roles Within SFMP Fisheries Stakeholder Groups

Posted on: 1 Nov, 2017 11:30 am

The main issue the survey aims to address is the low involvement of women in the management of fishery resources in Ghana. Though women are engaged in almost all aspects of the fishery, from net to plate, their involvement in decision making and control over is limited. The absence of a holistic approach to the management of fishery resources affects the effectiveness of the management of the resource. The report recommends providing continuous leadership training such as the human dialogue for the associations. It encourages affirmative action in male-dominated groups in the fisheries industry. Another entry point for the inclusion of women as leaders in the fishery sector is through the FC staff, who offer technical support to the fishermen on the management of the landing beaches. The survey also encourages groups/associations to work under the affiliation of NAFPTA Finally the report recommends providing continuous capacity development for associations on governance, organization, a united voice, advocacy, and sustainability of their structures.


Read full report http://www.crc.uri.edu/download/GH2014_GEN005_SNV_FIN508-1.pdf

Name of Author(s):
Okyere-Nyako, A., Nsiah, A.
Institutional Affiliation:
Type of Publication:
Technical Report
Name of Publisher or Journal:
Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Date of Publication:
Number of Pages: