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We will continue to practice light fishing – Sekondi Fishermen

Posted on: 29 May, 2017 1:55 pm

Fish transshipment popularly known as “Saiko” fishing is a menace in the Ghanaian fisheries industry. It is an illegal system of fishing where unauthorized foreign fishing vessels fish within Ghanaian waters, thereby catching untargeted fishes. These catches are in turn sold to local fishermen on the high seas. The practice is an affront to the fishing regulation in Ghana with its attendant effect on local fishermen and fisheries stock. Reacting to this practice, some fishermen have resorted to the use of light during their fishing trips. Do two wrongs make a right? What do the authorities say about this?

Source: Read more at http://www.ghananewsagency.org/social/we-will-continue-to-practice-light-fishing-sekondi-fishermen-117456